Amazon FBA vs. eBay | Fees

This is the fourth installment in my series about the differences between the eBay and Amazon selling platforms. For each of the next six weeks I will continue to discuss these areas and try to dispel some of the myths that surround selling on

I asked veteran Amazon sellers via Facebook what differences they found between selling on eBay and Amazon FBA. There were ten areas identified as noticeably different between the two platforms:


Listing on Amazon is FREE

The fee structures between eBay and Amazon are quite different. The main difference between the two platforms, regarding fees, is that on eBay you pay an insertion fee every time you list an item and every seven to 30 days, depending on listing type,  after that until it sells or you decide not to relist the item. Depending on your level (no store, basic, premium or anchor store) this fee varies. You can list on Amazon for FREE. There is no fee until your product sells.

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Amazon FBA vs. eBay |Listing

This is the third installment in my series about the differences between the eBay and Amazon selling platforms. For each of the next seven weeks I will continue to discuss these areas and try to dispel some of the myths that surround selling on

I asked veteran Amazon sellers via Facebook what differences they found between selling on eBay and Amazon FBA. There were ten areas identified as noticeably different between the two platforms:


Listing vs. Product Page

Lets face it, we all know the amount of work that goes into creating a listing on eBay. First we must inspect, clean, and photograph the product. Then edit the photos, research selling price, craft a title that works with SEO to fit with Cassini (in 80 characters or less) and create a description that gives the pertinent details of the item with a little sales pitch thrown in. That's a lot of work! On Amazon if the item you want to add already has a product page all you need to do is add your offer to that page! Enter a few pieces of information and your item is listed for sale. This keeps Amazon's catalog much cleaner by having only one page per product with all sellers listed there. 

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How to…. Sign up for an Amazon Seller Account (Part 3)

This is the continuation of the How to Sign up for an Amazon Seller Account Series. Now it's time to move on to Step 3 and finish the process. (If you haven't read the first two posts in this series they can be found here and here.) This is the easy part and should take about five minutes.

Step 3:  Enter you legal name (either your business name, or your name) and click the checkbox stating that you have reviewed and agree to the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. I do recommend that you click on the link and read the Agreement and contact Amazon with any questions you may have.

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Amazon FBA vs. eBay |The Rules

This is the second installment in my series about the differences between the eBay and Amazon selling platforms. For each of the next eight weeks I will continue to discuss these areas and try to dispel some of the myths that surround selling on

I asked veteran Amazon sellers via Facebook what differences they found between selling on eBay and Amazon FBA. There were ten areas identified as noticeably different between the two platforms:


Today I'll discuss what NOT following the rules can do to one's ability to sell on Amazon.

Both eBay and Amazon, like most e-commerce selling platforms, have guidelines for sellers to follow in order to sell their goods on the platform. In the end it's all about the buyer experience; both platforms look at customer service, listing standards, and product offerings, among others,  to determine a seller's fit for the platform.

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