Why Should YOU Pay as You Grow for Tools & Services – Your Questions Answered

Every day there are excellent questions asked by people just getting started on their Amazon journey in the Facebook groups I frequent. Facebook feeds move so quickly that many times these questions aren't accessed by the people who really need them. Each week I'll select a few questions to answer here on my blog so that they will be available for other newbies down the road.

Note: Some of the links below are affiliate links. I only provide affiliate links for services that I currently use or have used. I receive a small stipend if you sign up through my link.

$-truckToday's question:

“I have researched several subscription type services to help with Amazon sales….labeling, scanning, listing, expense tracking, taxes, repricing, and so on. I have listlabelship, asellertool and am using the free month of TaxJar. Inventory Lab looks awesome too! It's just that all these services cost money each month and I am wondering what is really worth it? It would really cut into my bottom line to do everything.” ~Rosalind (Amazon FBA Newbies Facebook Group – 8/7/15)

This is a great question!

When starting out on Amazon I only paid the very minimum for tools and services until I had enough funds each month to keep my business growing and increase efficiencies by adding tools. At first I only paid the $40 to be a Pro seller. I did that for 6 months until I finally upgraded to a Dymo Label Printer and needed to add list label ship to print my labels. When I finally got fed up with tracking all of my expenses by hand I added Inventory Lab to the mix. Once I added IL I no longer needed list label ship. I also added TaxJar last year to help keep track of all the states I collect sales tax in. It was either pay them or a bookkeeper to do it.

Every business is different and should decide what works for their situation. I slowly eased into Amazon from eBay over two years (now I'm 99% Amazon). My “pay as you grow” strategy may or may not work for someone ramping up more quickly. As a newbie, don't feel like you need every tool available. Some may have more time than money so outsourcing bookkeeping and feedback requests, etc shouldn't be your top priority. Use your “free”, “waiting for my next payout” time to learn those skills. They will benefit you as a business owner in the long run. If, on the other hand, you are in a place where you have more money than time, look into adding the tools that will help make you more efficient and focused on what increases your revenue. Just because you don't have every tool does not mean you are not successful.

If you have questions you would like answered please reach out to me at [email protected]

What are you doing TODAY to move your business forward?


If you are new to selling on Amazon FBA, consider checking out Amazon FBA Newbies! over on Facebook. It's a great community of veterans and newbies discussing anything and everything related to FBA.

If youMommy_Income_Logo are looking for more specialized one-on-one direction to grow your business and or manage your life balance, I highly recommend heading over here and checking out the individualized coaching available from the amazing  Kristin Ostrander.

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